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Inspired and Be Inspired. (Part One)

I get inspired daily by so many people, songs, pictures, words. You name it, I am probably inspired by it; I think that is the dreamer in me.  I’m starting a three-part series of three people who have genuinely inspired me and how we as sons and daughters should be inspiring the world.

Inspire is to…

*fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

*create (a feeling, especially a positive one) in a person.

*animate someone with (such a feeling).

*give rise to.

Part One:

Sometimes, you never know who the Lord would use to inspire you. My first impression of my team leader was:

          who the heck is this thug and how is she my team leader. she is intimidating.

I have come to realize I was not intimidated by the way she looked or talked, but by the way that she knows God. My team leader and now friend has and does inspire me. It was not something that happened overnight, but it was a daily progression of inspiration.

She inspired me to own my testimony… everything about it. 

She inspired me to be vulnerable. 

She inspired me to believe in myself and what God thinks about me because of the way she believes in God’s truth about herself. 

She inspired me to want to grow in intimacy with my Father because of her intimacy with Him. 

She inspired me to get in the Word about everything and take everything to prayer because that is how she lives her life. 

She inspired me to keep pushing on through life’s trials and temptations. 

She inspired me to give until it hurts and then to keep giving. 

She inspired me to use my voice even when I feel like I have no authority to speak, but also to be silent so others can be heard. 

She inspires me to just be me. 

The Lord used this woman of God in every aspect of my life. She will never be just a mentor, and she will never just be a friend. She is a constant source of inspiration. She exudes the image of God. She accepts people for who they are at their core… not for what they have done wrong. She’s a thug in a good way. She is hilarious. She is mysterious. She witnesses to everyone she comes in contact with and sometimes she doesn’t even notice because it is second nature to her. I hope to be half the inspiration to someone that she is to me. 

Be inspired friends and Go inspire.