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The big announcement…Im moving!

You read that right, I am moving!(Insert screaming, happy dancing!) This is not a trip! I am actually moving!!!


It is officially official that I am moving to Cambodia as the Community Outreach Director!!

 God is so funny and sovereign! It was never my dream to be a missionary in Cambodia or do the types of ministry that I will be doing. If you know anything about me, you would know my heart was set to live in Africa and to be a mom to all the orphans, but that is what God used to lead me to Cambodia! When I think of Cambodia, I think of His sovereignty. 

God placed women in my life to mentor and disciple me while growing up.

God placed the continent of Africa on my heart when I was 16 which led me to Kenya. 

God led me to go to Kenya when I was 18 and worked with school kids and women. When I was in Kenya, I worked more with the women than the children which was the Lord stirring something then that would not come to fruition until now. Through that trip, He led me to going to a bible college.

God led me to a bible college for awhile and taught me a lot about being a missionary.

God ended a relationship that I was in, and He used that break up to stir my heart for Africa again.  

God, someway, led me to Honduras where a lot of life was spoken into me about being a mighty warrior for the Lord. The Lord continued to lead me to Africa during this time. 

God led me to Swaziland, Africa in the summer of 2015 on a Passport trip where He blew me away. I felt like I never left His presence. My team leader jokingly said to me one night that I was going to go to Cambodia. I laughed because I knew I was going to be in Africa forever. After that moment, Cambodia never left my mind. I asked the Lord if the idea of Cambodia was not from Him then to remove the thought from my mind, because I was confused. I wanted Africa and I wanted children. He wanted Cambodia and women for me. After Swaziland, He led me to apply to Center for Global Action. 

After Swaziland, I applied to passport lead (I did not want to go to CGA) and was rejected for that specific time period which actually led me to Center for Global Action which trains people to be long term missionaries. (God’s sovereignty)!

God has used CGA to teach me so much about myself and living cross-culturally! While being here, God has given me literal dreams of Cambodia and the women there. He has broken my heart for that nation! Looking back on my life everything makes sense to what He is calling me to do. 

Cambodia is in Southeast Asia and in the 10/40 window! It is considered one of the least reached nations of the world! According to the Joshua Project, it only has 1.6% of its population professing to know Jesus! My dream is to work with women of Cambodia, sharing God’s heart for them! I came from a place of brokenness, bondage in sin, and the feeling of shame, but God through Jesus blood has brought redemption into my life! His story needs to be shared! I am so overwhelmed with how faithful God is! I would have never dreamed up these plans He has for me! He is just so good! There are so many things I want to share, but for now this is it!


for the nation of Cambodia that joy would be found in such a dark place.

for me as my time ends here at CGA and my time being home.

for a support team to help send me to Cambodia financially and prayerfully.